Friday, August 8, 2008

Globe & Mail story on Nik Lapcevich, his team and 'Lightning'

Lightning's last dance... The dream didn't last for one Ontario racing team, but prize money from a previous outing means their beloved Lightning can take the track one final time on Labour Day...

Before every race, Tom McConnell steals a moment to caress her smooth red fenders and whisper a prayer for a safe and successful day. Beneath his grease-stained hands is 1,360 kilograms of fibreglass and steel — a 500-horsepower stock car its crew affectionately calls Lightning.

"Have a great race, Lightning, and take good care of Nik," says crew member McConnell.
Nik is Nik Lapcevich, the driver of bright-red No. 13, which is competing in NASCAR's Canadian Tire Series. Soon he will coax Lightning to more than 225 km/h in the 2008 season opener, the Crown Jewel 200 at Cayuga Speedway in Southern Ontario....

The full story, by the Globe's Peter Power is here.

(h/t to Sean for the heads up)

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