Friday, December 21, 2007

Champ Car: Conquest Racing signs Opes Prime... commits to two cars

(Some good news out of the Champ Car world - g.m.)


(Indianapolis, IN) December 20, 2007– Conquest Racing has solidified its future in the Champ Car World Series with the signing of new marketing partner Opes Prime Group Ltd, an Australian based financial services provider. As a direct result of this new 2-year agreement, Conquest Racing is committed to entering two cars in the 2008 Champ Car World Series. Drivers and other marketing partner announcements will be announced in early 2008.

Additionally, the new agreement sees Opes Prime principle shareholder Anthony Blumberg acquiring an equity stake in the organization, providing the necessary capital investment to fuel the team's growth over the next two seasons.

"I'm proud to be associated with Conquest Racing for 2008 and beyond, said Anthony Blumberg of his latest acquisition. "Conquest Racing is  team with whom we made our Champ Car debut at SurfersParadise this year, giving me a taste of the American open-wheel scene.

"Our aim over the next couple of years is to develop and promote talen from within the junior formulae Australian and Asian Championships, and whilst our involvement with Conquest in no way guarantees a drive for any of those talented, young Opes Prime backed-drivers, it does provide an opportunity, which is what we are all about," he confirmed.

The team is currently active in strengthening the organization and its resources with further announcements of new additions expected in early 2008. Drivers have not yet been confirmed and the team has planned tests in January and February in which to conduct driver evaluations.

"I'm thrilled to welcome Opes Prime as partners with Conquest Racing. Although we have fielded competitive entries the last five years in Champ Car with good results, the addition of Opes Prime and Anthony Blumberg offers us the opportunity to solidify our base of operations and plan for the growth required not just to compete but to win," said Conquest Racing President and CEO Eric Bachelart.

In 2007, Conquest Racing scored a season best result of 2nd place at the Champ Car Grand Prix of Assen in Holland with driver Jan Heylen. Overall the team scored five, Top-10 finishes.

"We believe in the future of Champ Car very strongly and I believe that is validated not only by commitment of Conquest Racing but our new partners as well. This partnership will continue to spur the growth of Champ Car in Australia where it is already massively popular," added Bachelart.

Opes Prime Group Ltd is an Australian unlisted public company providing a range of financial services and products for high net worth individuals, stockbrokers and financial advisors, asset managers, banks and other firms, both for themselves and their clients.

The group conducts business via a number of operating subsidiaries based in Melbourne, Sydney and Singapore.

For more information visit .

For the past five seasons, Indianapolis, IN based, Conquest Racing has fielded a entries in the Champ Car World Series and its driver development series the Champ Car Atlantic Series. Both are a fiercely competitive, international showcase for some of the world's best drivers, teams and corporations.

From Conquest Racing / Julie Murphy

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